This weekend was quite hectic to say the least. On Thursday we had our last practice before the competition. Aahh.
Brandon also has an able-bodied partner, Lauren, and because they are championship dancers, they dance on the Friday. Brandon asked me to come and watch them to see how he does his thing at competitions. So we went. We arrived just in time to see their last two dances. I would have been in the dog box if we got there afterwards. At least it was a semi-final, so we would've seen him dance later if we had missed it. They came second...yay partner!
Chantelle, also a CSRC leg partner, was dancing on Friday. We got there in time to see her do Latin. She was amazing!
We left after Chantelle danced and that was at somewhere around 10. Not bad for a competition day.
Then Saturday came. We were told that we had to be there at 9 for registration. So, we get there at 9 and turns out we only going to be dancing at 4. What do you do for 7 hours? Basically, you sit, you wait, you eat...a lot. Most of the time we were on the brink of boredom, some of us were already off the cliff. Brandon only arrived at half past one. I think he's the smart one.
Our time to dance came, after a long wait, and it was incredible. The adrenaline started pumping before we even got to the floor. We walked out onto the floor and people started screaming (most of the noise was coming from our own people, but still).
In the middle of our Tango, I felt my eyelash lift off the middle of my eye (I was wearing false eyelashes. They were amazing). You know what I was thinking? If I lose an eyelash on the floor, I'm going to look ridiculous and I'll be winking at the judges and then I'll look even more ridiculous. Luckily, my eyelashes behaved themselves and stayed on my face. Go eyelash glue.
Our Quickstep was quite interesting. The floor that we danced on was very smooth...this is a problem for a wheelchair dancer because it's too smooth, the wheels don't have anything to grip on to. Now, the Quickstep is a fast dance and the turns are very quick. Hence the name. When we got to the far corner, we tried to turn but we ended up just drifting across the floor. Keegan knew that it was a mistake (he's our coach) but the audience just thought it was a really cool move that we came up with. It was a good time.
We had to wait until 10:30 for our prizegiving. That was a long wait. In the end, we won our section and we won all 5 dances. So, I'd say it was pretty well worth waiting for.
We left the competition at 11:30, only got home at 12:30 and only went to bed at 2:00. Brandon only left the competition at 3:00. Shame.
It was a long day to say the least. We should be training for competition survival!
Then we had Sunday practice. There were only 4 of us there (everybody else was too tired). It was not the most productive practice we've had. But, it was entertaining.
So, that was my weekend. Not a lot of sleeping was going on, certainly not by me anyway. But it was a really EPIC weekend!