I have been dancing for almost seven years now. The majority of these years, my partner was Jesse (I've spoken about him in previous posts). In February, Jesse and my partnership fell apart and we 'broke up'. I won't go into the details
So, I had about 2 months of being partnerless. I needed a new partner.
Then The Chaeli Sports & Recreation Club (CSRC), was introduced to Delta Dance School. The CSRC now has eight wheelchair dancers who needed leg partners. That's where Delta came in - all the leg dancers come from Delta.
It's amazing how a couple of people have completely transformed our dancing component of the CSRC. The club now has a vibe. And I have a partner.
His name is Brandon. He is 16 and in Grade 10. Brandon is a Youth Championship dancer - the interesting thing is that he only did Ballroom. He hasn't done Latin-American in quite a while.
Now we have to learn how to work together and make what we do look pretty. Simple.
Our first competition is on Saturday...we are only going to compete in the Ballroom section (it's always good to start with what you know), just for the first competition, so we can get into it slowly.
We have to be there pretty early, which is normal, and we'll be there the entire day. Hopefully there'll be something entertaining (other than the dancing) that will happen to make the day more memorable.
Wish us luck...
good luck! :)