We found ourselves in the Bidvest Premier Lounge - it was pretty epic and quite snazzy. It was nice. It had food and drinks for the people flying. It was really weird though because there are no people to help you, so you kind of feel like you're stealing everything. It's weird.
At 11:07 my mom started stressing that we were going to be late for the PAU (Passenger Assist Unit, for those of you who don't know), so we went then to the bathroom to change into 'Holland clothing'.
The funniest thing was that in the disabled bathroom, there is a hand-dryer. It's really badly placed, in terms of what we needed at the time. We had a LOT of stuff and being disabled adds more stuff to a lot of stuff. It keeps life interesting. But we put all our stuff (keep in mind you have to take ALL your belongings with you wherever you go at the airport) in the bathroom with us. So, we put everything underneath the hand-dryer. Probably not the best idea but there was nowhere else to put it. They work on motion sensors, which meant everytime mom did something with our bags, it went off. It was funny because mom got a fright everytime it happened, which was often. Funny.
Once we had reached the boarding gates, we realised that my wheelchair battery was basically dead. This is not good. When it's your form of moving it CANNOT die. But we're very good at finding solutions - we figured that we could just charge it when we got to Holland as we have international plugs. It didn't really work out that way.
We arrived in Holland yesterday at somewhere around 11. The guy in the plane who organises assisted passengers came to us and said "You have a big wheelchair, right?". We were like "No!" and he looked at us and very concerned he said "OK, we'll look again". Eventually, after riding through the whole of Schipol airport, we got my wheelchair AND it turned on and worked. We got excited.
I'll tell you guys more about it in my next entry. I'm going to bed now. Sleep well, world.
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