Sunday, November 25, 2012

I am finished.

I am no longer a high school student. Twelve years of schooling has come to an end and it feels amazing. But on the other hand it is really weird and a little scary. It's a pretty complex feeling. I'm not even sure how I am able to have so many different emotions at the same time, but clearly it's possible because it's happening.

I am so excited that I don't have to procrastinate doing any form of scholarly work for three months. I think I have earned a bit of a holiday...but I keep thinking I have something urgent to attend to. And I have nothing.

In traditional fashion, my last day of school had to contain a smidgen of drama. So, here it is:
We left home at 8:10 and my final business exam started at 9:00. We live ten minutes from school so there was enough time to get there and for me to get into my 'business-zone'. That was almost the case but it was not to be.

We got stuck in traffic. Not once, but twice before we got to school. The reason. A military health walk. We didn't move. For like 20 minutes we were stationery. I did get a couple extra minutes of studying time so that was a bonus, I guess, but I was sufficiently stressed out!

When we eventually got to school, our head of academics was waiting for me. Well, not only for me cause there were other people who were late too, so that made me feel kind of better. I got to the exam venue and I misjudged how close I was to the door and hit it with my back wheels and it made a huge noise. Everybody turned and looked at me. I made a public apology.

I wrote my paper and everything was good. Unfortunately, though, this was not the end. We wrote both our business papers on the same day. So, three hours of studying was to follow. Fun times.


To make our last Friday at school special I figured we could make it a RedSockFriday. I went to school in my skirt and rocked my knee-highs! Seven of my friends did it too, so the day was redder and radder with new redsockers.

My school career ended at 4:12, Friday 23 November.

Now, to be cheesy...

To infinity and beyond.


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