Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Exciting times

It has been a very interesting couple of weeks. Firstly, I have been trying to prepare for end of year exams (not so exciting, I know, and also not the most successful). But the most interesting news of my LIFE is that about two weeks ago, we found out that I'm one of 5 finalists for the International Children's Peace Prize. How cool?

It's amazing. Being the researcher I am, onto the Internet I went. I found out who the other finalists are:

Liza in Palestine tries to promote peace through sport (woman's football) between Israeli and Palistinian young people. She fights for the rights and empowerment of Palestinian girls in a male-dominated society.

Malala in Pakistan fights for education of girls. This was banned under extreme Taliban rule. She went anyway.

Nicolay in Armenia organises workshops and discussions on human rights. He also writes a regular blog that addresses these issues.

Winfred stands up for abused children in her community. She documents cases of child abuse in schools and around the communities. She also set up a child's court, where kids can sort out their problems without adult interference.

How amazing are all of these fellow young people? We can all do something wherever we find ourselves. That's the message that all of the finalists (myself included) share with the world.

I hope to one day meet all of these people, and many more that are doing incredible work.


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